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BBC:Stars fail to shine at World Cup

  • TA的每日心情
    2022-2-8 19:10
  • 签到天数: 85 天


    发表于 2010-7-4 12:49:15 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式

    http://www.bbc.co.uk/blogs/david ... ine_at_world_c.html

    5. At 11:00pm on 03 Jul 2010, Sammuthegreat - WWFC #18 wrote:
    Messi was the best player in the group stage, bar possibly Ozil. For some reason being slated as underperforming purely because he didn't actually score, despite bringing some of the best saves of the tournament out of the Greek and Nigerian keepers.

    16. At 11:33pm on 03 Jul 2010, Karthick Arvinth wrote:
    Considering the amount of flak he got for not reproducing his Barcelona form for Argentina, Messi has actually had a very good tournament. Ok he was muscled out today by the Germans, but he has been an absolute delight to watch.

    20. At 11:54pm on 03 Jul 2010, Edmund wrote:
    Messi had a good World Cup even though he didn't score a goal.
    31. At 00:13am on 04 Jul 2010, Kamana wrote:
    Messi did well considering he was the most marked man in the tournament. He didn't score but he was at the heart of all that was good about Argentina, until the Germans knocked them out. Rooney was far worse; he didn't do anything of note whatsoever. At least Messi showed flashes of why he's the best player in the world.

    57. At 01:38am on 04 Jul 2010, ctw13v1 wrote:
    Messi - Regardless of what happened today against the Germans, he is by far the BEST player in the world. You can't tell me that his whole world cup was a wash just because he didn't hit the back of the net. The best part of watching Argentina was when he had the ball. His footwork and ability to turn on a player is just crazy good. I think he was top 3 in the tournament behind VIlla and Forlan. Pure Class.


    63. At 02:02am on 04 Jul 2010, Anneeq wrote:
    Well u cant say Messi hasnt shon, he played very well! It took some pretty decent saves from the Nigerian and Greek keepers to stop him from scoring. Also the guy has about 3 ppl marking him constantly, and as good a dribbler he is, nobody can beat that many ppl all the time.

    78. At 03:49am on 04 Jul 2010, pm k wrote:
    I've never been a fan of soccer and had never watched a soccer game (not the whole 90 minutes anyway) prior to this world cup (soccer is not a popular sport in this part of the world). After watching Messi in one of the early matches (I believe it was against S. Korea), I'd have to say I was hooked. Seeing Messi play made me realize why soccer is the most popular sport in the world. It was extremely disappointing to see him exit the world cup. I've come to appreciate this sport, thanks to the little genius Lionel Messi.
    在这届世界杯之前我不是球迷,之前也没看过一场完整的比赛。但是看过之前梅西在阿根廷对韩国的比赛之后,我得说我成为了球迷。看着梅西踢球,我理解了为什么足球是世上最受欢迎的运动。看着他离开世界杯非常让人失望。我开始喜欢这项运动了,我要感谢这个小小的天才-里奥内尔-梅西。 (这段最让我感动,这是为什么足球需要天才的原因之一)。

    79. At 04:11am on 04 Jul 2010, RalphCoates wrote:
    You have Messi in your list!!! Are you joking, do goals only constitute success these days. David Bond you clearly have no clue! Messi was a delight to watch and one of the few entertaining aspects of this particlur very poor world cup.
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